This series includes 48 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of individual coaching.

Example topics

  • Servant Leadership & Advanced HBDI® Techniques
    In a continuing study of HBDI®, participants focus on approaches to arrive at new and better solutions to organizational challenges.  In this session, participants apply the forward and reverse flow technique to a problem.  In most organizations, the “people” factor gets left out of solution finding and this approach puts people first.
  • Servant Leadership & Advanced Creative Problem Solving Techniques.
    What do you do when you run out of creative solutions to perplexing problems?  Servant-leaders at all levels of the organization are called upon to solve unprecedented problems.  In this session, participants learn “out-of-the-box” tools to create original solutions to complex organizational problems.
  • Servant Leadership & Building Community
    One of the key tenets of Robert Greenleaf’s work in servant leadership was the idea that servant-leaders are community and people builders.  This session focuses on how to create a great place to work for all Employees.  Examples are given from companies leading the way, including Southwest Airlines and TDIndustries.
  • Servant Leadership & Time Management Challenges
    One of the familiar laments of most leaders is, “I would really like to spend more time coaching my people, but too many other demands are taking priority.”  In this session, we explore both polychronic and monochronic time management challenges of servant-leaders, including the four basics of time management:  Planning, Prioritizing, Scheduling, and Executing. By discovering how and why your so-called “bad habits” may be your giftedness being worn wrong-side-out, leaders shed a lifetime of guilt and discover strategies to live life more successfully.
  • Servant Leadership & Advanced Dialogue Facilitation.
    Dialogue is one of the key skills of servant-leaders.  In Servant Leadership Fundamental and Intermediate Levels, we focus on skills of participating in a dialogue.  In this session, we equip leaders to facilitate dialogue sessions.
  • Servant Leadership & Legacy
    After participating in 15 teaming sessions (120 hours) and 18 hours of personal coaching, leaders are ready to create their own learning communities.  How do we identify learning partners, continue to mentor others, and ultimately identify and groom our successors?  In this last session, servant-leaders explore personal legacy/calling/vision by clarifying personal goals and integrating a plan into leadership moments in everyday opportunities.