Jan Vos is partnering with TMCA, Inc. on technology supported leadership development, with an aggressive and inspiring vision “that through technology we can build the bridge over which we can bring leadership development to those who cannot afford this today. In the western world this could be leaders who lead in environments without much wealth. Or individuals who are not sponsored by an organization but still serve through leading good causes.” Jan lives and works in the Netherlands and is working with TMCA, Inc. virtually on several technology projects.

Jan has an executive MBA from Nyenrode Business Universiteit and is a graduate of the Academy of Servant Leadership (an initiative of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership in Europe). He has been involved in the pilot TMCA Virtual Servant Leadership Learning Community® (VSLLC®) and is working with TMCA on a new generation of technology to enhance the VSLLC programs for 2010. Jan is also a member of the Society of Organizational Learning.

Jan has been practicing servant leadership for as long as he can remember but it was not until 2006 that he came across the words servant leadership. Educated in computer engineering, Jan has worked for Dutch, French and US headquartered for-profit IT organizations, most recently at Juniper Networks and Cisco Systems. Jan’s functional focus was Customer Service and always maintained an interest in cross-functional and global systems, traveling in EMEA and the US. Soon he hopes to include Asia on that list of travels.

Although Jan started out as technical support engineer, he has been managing and leading people in the IT industry most of his career. In 2006, he enjoyed a sabbatical and started his own consulting business, Serving Management Solutions. He provides services to organizations on their journey to become service-led learning organizations. Serving, leading and learning have always been part of his core business and hopes to inspire organizations to make serving, leading and learning part of their core businesses as well.

Jan shares, “With the younger ‘Internet’ generation, entering leadership positions as we speak, technology supported learning and development will become an expectation going forward. And with the world becoming more ‘flat’ day by day, partly enabled by the Internet, new global opportunities are arising. Technology supported leadership development will become an important means for future leadership development. Blending traditional learning with E-learning is an effective and efficient way to meet today’s leaders’ needs, wishes and wants, no matter where they are geographically.”