Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, Breast Cancer, Cancer, From the Treehouse, Healing.

As most of you know, Spring, 2011, I learned I had breast cancer and began a journey of healing with a goal to regain full wellness.  I chose not to view this as a war or struggle but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.  Looking back over my life I have learned that every problem is an opportunity and teacher if I seek the many blessings and lessons imbedded in the situation.  I saw this as yet another opportunity for personal transformation and indeed, it has been so many times over.  One of the most amazing blessings is to discover how many wonderful friends have come forward, prayed for my full recovery and supported me with such amazing love and presence.

Late January, Larry surprised me with an invitation to a USA Dance Cruise to Alaska scheduled for July. I was truly surprised by this offer from Larry, because, after all, who wants to take a lady with one breast and freshly sprouting hair on a dancing cruise?  Then, my good friend Matt Kosec reminded me that he has zero breasts and NO hair and his wife takes him all sorts of places!  We would celebrate my being cancer free and it would give us both something really fun to anticipate, which as we all know, generates healing endorphins.  Alas, on July 3rd of this year I discovered three small lumps snuggled up close to the scar tissue from the mastectomy and reported them to my surgeon.  A biopsy was done and much to my shock and surprise, they were malignant.  Larry and I were able to enjoy our cruise and we visited very special friends in Seattle, taking the week to enjoy special loving time together and then preparing for the second leg of this journey healing from cancer.

A second surgery was done immediately upon arriving home; a day surgery to clean out the tissue from the original mastectomy.  Now a round of 33 days of radiation has been recommended and started 8-9-12.

I continue to learn a great deal about breast cancer and how I can support my body’s coming back into balance and staying cancer free.  I am focusing on eliminating as much sugar and carbohydrates as possible, learning that cancer cells feed off these two.  Nine hours of sleep each night, eliminating stress and enjoying passion and purpose are easy and have been part of my daily routine for over a year with daily naps as needed.

For those of you holding me in your prayers, I am deeply grateful.  I am certain that prayer is powerful, especially in these challenging situations.  Larry joins me in thanking you.  I can share that I felt blessed in so many ways this past year.  My priorities shifted and special loved ones, values and purposes most important rose to the top of my list.  As other things fell away, I felt liberated to become a stronger, more grounded and spiritual person.  So many heart-warming conversations happened that might never have occurred without this challenge in my life.

I have definitely learned to get clear about what I control and what I don’t control and put my faith in a loving Higher Power to guide and bless my life.  Choices that are mine include whether I will live in fear or in faith.  That’s easy to choose and sometimes difficult to internalize.  Yet surrounded by loving AMCA Partners and so many loving and supportive friends and family, how can I not stay optimistic and living fully in the moment?  None of us have insurance about tomorrow yet what we do have is this moment, this day, this opportunity to make a difference.  I am discovering an inspiring new depth to my life as I focus on being fully present to opportunities right now, slowing down and just filling my heart with gratitude.

So many of you continue to reach out and share your challenges, love and journey.  You bless me and I thank you!  I have come to love these quotes:

There is absolutely nothing to fear about tomorrow for God is already there.”

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”


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