Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, Duane Trammell, From the Treehouse, Strategic Planning, Team Advance, Toy Story.

Duane Trammell, Ann McGee-Cooper, & AMCA Team


For some, the words “Strategic Planning” conjure up images of long meetings with unending PowerPoint slides of target markets and goal setting.  Six weeks ago as AMCA Partners contemplated the next five years of services, we wanted to do something different.

So enter the movie Toy Story. Partners decided to consult with Buzz, Woody, Rex, Sarge, Baby Face, Slinky Dog, Hamm, and even Mr. Potato Head to get a handle on the future.  We tossed a couple of Clients into this motley crew and headed for Downtown Dallas.  Why downtown?  An aggressive strategic plan for transforming the urban center is underway…new parks, new living spaces, new streetscapes.  Being in an environment of “new possibilities” is exactly what we needed to supercharge our creative thinking.

To get us started, Ann sounded the charge.  “We can be more than we ever thought was possible.  We believe in the unlimited potential of our Partners and Clients.  All of our early research laid the foundation for the work we are doing now and the new research for the future.  We are excited about our new team members and our Adjunct Partners.  We are positioned to deliver the best work AMCA has ever done with the talent we have now.”  With our mission in hand, we explored social networking strategies, Client feedback through a Theory U Model, Creative Swiping at the Dallas Museum of Art, and the impact of diversity on our team and in our work.

We came away from our time together with over 25 insights and ideas to follow up on.

Stay tuned for new blogs, tweets, Facebook posts, new YouTube videos featuring our Client leaders, AMCA Servant Leadership University, improved seminars, and new network integration between Clients.  We are energized for an exciting future!


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