Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, Breast Cancer, Cancer, From the Treehouse, Healing, Power of Intention.

By Ann McGee-Cooper

One of the fascinating things I am learning from my wellness journey healing from breast cancer is the power of intention.  I learned as I approached mastectomy surgery and again going through chemo therapy that my intention made a huge difference.  If I relaxed my body and mind and created a clear intention for the best possible outcome then any possible negative side effects were minimized or eliminated and many positive benefits occurred.  And as I take a daily prescription of tamoxifen to prevent reoccurrence of breast cancer, I always quietly visualize this small tablet protecting me and strengthening my immune system with no negative side effects.  So far all has gone well.

Then I began to notice other moments when I would set an intention.  Sometimes it has been without conscious choice.  For example, I would wake up, remember what day it is and what is planned for that day and then have a shift in attitude depending on my expectation for what is ahead.  This suddenly occurred to me as a great opportunity.  What if I purposely chose to set an intention for mutual benefit instead of dreading something I feared?  Could that make a difference? And, of course, it has!  The first step is intention but what power that first step has.  Here I thought I was taking advantage of every opportunity to raise my game and yet something so simple as choosing my intention was slipping past my awareness.

My suggestion is to simply notice what’s ahead in your life.  And then be very purposeful about setting your intention.  My biggest opportunities seem to be when I realize I have a negative expectation for myself and/or others, just by daring to change that expectation and intention, everything seems to open up and yield amazing possibilities.  I am reminded of a quote attributed to Henry Ford.  “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.”  Seems like he knew about the power of intention!


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