TMCA has been teaching the principles of servant leadership since 1976 when Ann began a Partnership with TDIndustries to develop servant-leaders at all levels of the organization. Introduced to the “orange book,” The Servant As Leader by Jack Lowe, Sr., Ann developed curriculum to teach Partners at TDIndustries the concept of servant leadership in an interactive format. Later, Ann had the opportunity to meet Robert Greenleaf and be mentored by him in the last decade of his life.
Today, TMCA, Inc. is involved in Servant Leadership Development in these ways:
TMCA, Inc. offers three comprehensive servant leadership development tracks for executives, mid-level managers, and individual contributors in organizations:
- Servant Leadership Fundamental Series is 48 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of individual coaching.
- Servant Leadership Intermediate Series is 48 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of individual coaching.
- Servant Leadership Advanced Series is 48 hours of classroom instruction and six hours of individual coaching.
The One-Day Introduction is designed for all levels of an organization.
There are three notebooks with four learning modules in each notebook designed for leaders or instructors who want to explore servant leadership with their teams. Notebooks include:
- Foundations
- Skills and Processes
- Life/Work Balance Skills
The Servant Leadership Learning Community ®(SLLC) is a forum of leaders from organizations with a long-term commitment to practice servant leadership and grow authentic learning communities. SLLC meets three times a year to learn new skills and share best practices. Membership is limited to active Clients and Partner Organizations. Content of the meetings is shared on our website.
TMCA has been a supporter of the Greenleaf K. Center for Servant Leadership since its inception in 1985. As an on-going part of TMCA, Inc.’s learning and development in servant leadership, we participate, share our own research, and encourage our Clients to attend the annual conference. Information can be found at www.greenleaf.org.
“I don’t like requiring things, because I don’t like rules, but at Starbucks, I strongly encourage reading a little orange pamphlet called The Servant As Leader, by Robert Greenleaf. It’s a short treatise on the notion that the person who is servant of all is the most capable leader.”
– Howard Behar, former president, Starbucks