Posted by & filed under AMCA, Andrea Tristan, Bridgeway, From the Treehouse, International Greenleaf Conference, servant leadership.

AMCA Heading to the International Servant Leadership Conference

by Andrea Tristan

This week the AMCA Team is headed to Indianapolis for the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership’s 22nd annual International Conference. It is a privilege for our team to have the opportunity to attend this conference each year. This year we will be presenting during a breakout session where we will give our attendees a quick glimpse into one of our servant leadership courses and hopefully share in some great dialogue about how to apply servant leadership skills to their work.

The Greenleaf Conference in many ways is like a family reunion for our team. We are able to visit with Partners from around the world that we work with throughout the year and it is always reenergizing to catch up and hear the amazing stories of servant leadership happening in their work. We also have the opportunity to form new relationships and meet incredible people who are often doing very unique things with servant leadership. Even after 36 years of work in our business, we use this week to listen, learn, grow our existing skills, and learn new skills to put into practice.

From the Greenleaf Center website: “The Greenleaf Center’s Annual International Conference provides the opportunity for servant-leaders and those interested in servant leadership to meet each other, learn about servant leadership resources, and be inspired by outstanding speakers and workshop leaders. Over the years, speakers have included James Autry, Warren Bennis, Ken Blanchard, Peter Block, Max DePree, Stephen Covey, Joseph Jaworski, Laurie Beth Jones, Richard J. Leider, Ann McGee-Cooper, M. Scott Peck, Peter M. Senge, Margaret Wheatley, Lea Williams, and many other outstanding experts on leadership.”

This year’s visit is a special one for our team as two of our Clients from Bridgeway Capital Management, Mike Mulcahy and Shannon Sedgwick Davis, will be presenting in a plenary session and speaking about the incredible ways they are working to change the world and end genocide through the Bridgeway Foundation.

This is sure to be an exciting week and we are looking forward to sharing what we learn from this time in the coming weeks and months. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook for live updates from the conference!

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