
Posted by & filed under AMCA, Ann McGee-Cooper, From the Treehouse, servant leadership.


Podcast: Ann McGee-Cooper – The Transforming Power of Servant Leadership-Part One

Dr. Ann McGee-Cooper was honored to be interviewed by Kevin Monroe from the Center for Servant Leadership Excellence. This interview is so rich that it is being split into two episodes.

The first episode explores what Ann learned through her relationship with Robert K. Greenleaf and how it transformed her life and work. She shares her life experiences with deep listening, looking inward, true dialogue (including silence), and the value of slowing down.

Find a quiet place where you can enjoy this conversation. We will be posting Part Two next month and it will be focused on Ann’s work helping leaders and companies embrace Servant Leadership.


You can listen to Episode 14 on the link below or visit Kevin’s podcast on iTunes to listen and subscribe to all episodes.

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