by Duane Trammell
30 years ago, my business partner, Ann, introduced me to a book by Marilyn Ferguson called The Aquarian Conspiracy that opened my mind to new possibilities. Marilyn Ferguson passionately articulated that there was a powerful network of minds across all disciplines—science, education, religion, healthcare, politics—who were going to bring about amazing change in the world. These advanced thinkers were on a personal journey of transformation as well—growing the capacity for change in themselves and knowing that it was possible for others.
Saying it another way, Ann challenged us to tap into that genius lying dormant within each of us. At the time, I was 25 years old and a school teacher. When I started tapping into this “genius”, some amazing things started happening. My students produced amazing films; I won several teaching awards; and I became aware of networks of talented people connecting to do extraordinary things. Two years later, Ann and I joined forces and created a new business, focused on helping adults find their “genius.” And for the past 28 years we have been on a grand adventure, taking us all over the world.
In the past few years, we have hired two talented twenty-somethings—Luis Duran-Aparicio and Andrea Tristan. They each have contributed greatly to our organization.
Recently, I have been in dialogue with Nathan Sowell, a 25 year old consultant working in a large financial services firm here in Dallas. It dawned on me that all of these young men and women are the age I was when I first began working with Ann, and we became “co-conspirators” for transformation.
We want to give voice to this next generation of leaders. So on our blog, we will periodically feature some of their writing and ideas and will identify these blogs from our Twenty-Something Leaders. Next week we will be starting with Nathan Sowell’s writings about Awareness, Identity, Ego, and Loneliness, the first in a series of several thought-provoking articles. We know you will find them insightful and a glimpse into what in on the minds of some of our talented millennials.