Proudly Announcing a New Adjunct Partner, John Viard, And New Alliance with Southwest Airlines!

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.


We are very pleased and proud to announce that John Viard, Senior Manager of People – HR Business Partners, at Southwest Airlines, has joined our team in a new working alliance with the company. John is not a stranger to AMCA, and has served as Senior Sponsor inside our Servant Leadership Learning Community (SLLC) for… Read more »

Showing Abundant LUV at Southwest Airlines!

Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, From the Treehouse, Southwest Airlines.

  by Ann McGee-Cooper   This past Thursday and Friday we enjoyed celebrating another year of working hard as part of the Southwest Airlines Company Culture Committee whose mission is to keep the Southwest Spirit strong in the hearts and minds of all our amazing Employees.  Warrior Spirit, Leading with a Servant’s Heart and Keeping… Read more »

Turning Crisis into Opportunity:

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting Update by Matthew Kosec As Customer-Members, Ann McGee-Cooper, Carol Haddock, and I are always honored to join the Southwest Airlines Companywide Culture Committee for a day or two of engaging meetings.  Our time there is always an opportunity to watch how Members of such a large organization, from top executives… Read more »

Learning is for Everyone (even the boss!)

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, International Greenleaf Conference, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines, TDIndustries.

  Anyone who has worked within an organization knows that it is often difficult to set aside time to attend training, and when time is available, it is often gobbled up by technical or certification-required type training.  However, organizations that intentionally set aside time to learn about critical topics like servant leadership or growing organizational… Read more »

Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting Report

Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, creativity, Culture Committee, From the Treehouse, Luv, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

by Ann McGee-Cooper Carol Haddock, Matt Kosec and I attended a two-day Culture Committee Meeting with Southwest Airlines in Orlando to kick off this year’s exciting challenges. It was dynamite. We broke into teams and had some really fun competition. But our real focus is to address current business challenges, understand them as a dynamic… Read more »


Posted by & filed under Colleen Barrett, From the Treehouse, Lead with Luv, Luv, servant leadership, SLLC, Southwest Airlines.

Thanks to Charlyn Grijalva and her team at Southwest Airlines for welcoming us to their University for People rooms and the bountiful breakfast! After everyone had checked in and received a copy of Colleen’s book, Lead with Luv,   Homa Lewis welcomed the group.  She reflected that it was appropriate for her to start the program… Read more »

SWA Chili Judge 2011

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

By Matt Kosec Many people are aware of the innovative and inspiring “Culture Committee” of Southwest Airlines, but if you are not, a quick reading of Being the Change, by Ann McGee Cooper and Associates, will give you an understanding of one way Southwest helps their People stay connected to core values.  Mac Tristan, now… Read more »

Life/Work Balance: The Secret of Always Having Something Fun to Anticipate!

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Life/Work Balance, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

At the most recent Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting, my good friend Scott Andrezjwski, who is an Aircraft Mechanic for Southwest Airlines, told me he had taken up a new hobby and was really enjoying it. Our team has been doing research for strategies to create and maintain extraordinary Life/Work Balance so my curiosity was… Read more »

Issom Willis, 24 years of Extraordinary Customer Service for SWA

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

Since I first began flying SWA in and out of Lovefield, I’ve noticed the Extraordinary enthusiasm and ‘can do‘spirit of skycaps at SWA.  One who immediately won my heart over and over is Issom Willis who proudly welcomes Customers at Lovefield baggage curbside check in.  But what he does is just the way Southwest teaches… Read more »

Southwest Airlines Goes All Out for Halloween: Tom and Renee Earned a Standing Ovation

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

Three tired travelers raced to gate 43 at Houston Hobby Airport, hoping to fly home on standby. Two Southwest Airline Gate Agents, Renee and Tom, decked out in festive T-Shirts quickly and efficiently found three open seats and “cackled” gleefully, knowing they had just won our hearts with great Customer Service! Thanks to skycap, Ozzie,… Read more »