Can we be a great place to work, without nap pods?

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Lessons in Servant Leadership, Matt Kosec, SLLC.

X By Matt Kosec, Adjunct Partner, AMCA The enthusiasm was palpable as members of the Servant Leadership Learning Community walked in the room during a rainy April morning.  Although we all enjoyed networking with peers who share the journey of servant leadership, everyone in the room was perched on the edge of our chairs as Duane Trammel… Read more »

Turning Crisis into Opportunity:

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting Update by Matthew Kosec As Customer-Members, Ann McGee-Cooper, Carol Haddock, and I are always honored to join the Southwest Airlines Companywide Culture Committee for a day or two of engaging meetings.  Our time there is always an opportunity to watch how Members of such a large organization, from top executives… Read more »

Learning is for Everyone (even the boss!)

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, International Greenleaf Conference, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines, TDIndustries.

  Anyone who has worked within an organization knows that it is often difficult to set aside time to attend training, and when time is available, it is often gobbled up by technical or certification-required type training.  However, organizations that intentionally set aside time to learn about critical topics like servant leadership or growing organizational… Read more »

Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting Report

Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, creativity, Culture Committee, From the Treehouse, Luv, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

by Ann McGee-Cooper Carol Haddock, Matt Kosec and I attended a two-day Culture Committee Meeting with Southwest Airlines in Orlando to kick off this year’s exciting challenges. It was dynamite. We broke into teams and had some really fun competition. But our real focus is to address current business challenges, understand them as a dynamic… Read more »

SWA Chili Judge 2011

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

By Matt Kosec Many people are aware of the innovative and inspiring “Culture Committee” of Southwest Airlines, but if you are not, a quick reading of Being the Change, by Ann McGee Cooper and Associates, will give you an understanding of one way Southwest helps their People stay connected to core values.  Mac Tristan, now… Read more »

Lessons in Servant Leadership – Dinner with Abbot Damien – Part 4

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Lessons in Servant Leadership, Matt Kosec, servant leadership.

Part 4 of a 4 part series from Lt. Matt Kosec AMCA Adjunct Partner of Criminal Justice and Public Sector Affairs, from his week of graduate studies in advanced servant leadership in a Benedictine Monastery. “The servant always accepts and empathizes, never rejects. The servant as leader always empathizes, always accepts the person but sometimes… Read more »

Lessons in Servant Leadership – Courage in Growth – Part 3

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Lessons in Servant Leadership, Matt Kosec, servant leadership.

Part 3 of a 4 part series from Lt. Matt Kosec AMCA Adjunct Partner of Criminal Justice and Public Sector Affairs, from his week of graduate studies in advanced servant leadership in a Benedictine Monastery. “…the servant views any problem in the world as in here, inside oneself, not out there. And if a flaw… Read more »

Lessons in Servant Leadership – Vow of Stability – Part 2

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Lessons in Servant Leadership, Matt Kosec, servant leadership.

Part 2 of a 4 part series from Lt. Matt Kosec AMCA Adjunct Partner of Criminal Justice and Public Sector Affairs, from his week of graduate studies in advanced servant leadership in a Benedictine Monastery. “…the only authority deserving one’s allegiance is that which is freely and knowingly granted by the led to the leader… Read more »