Hi. My name is Ann. I’m an Energy-oholic.

Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, From the Treehouse, Healing, Life/Work Balance.

Discovering the Difference between Addictive Energy and Balancing Energy   I have always enjoyed abundant personal energy, as a child and all through my life.  But I have also experienced periods of chronic burnout and have vivid memories of what that feels like.  In 1984 I began studying life/work balance along with my business and… Read more »

Servants in Action: Bridgeway and Living Water International

Posted by & filed under AMCA, Bridgeway, Clients, Life/Work Balance, Michele Camp, Power of Intention, servant leadership.

Bridgeway has a longstanding partnership with the non-profit Living Water International (LWI), an organization that drills water wells in rural and impoverished areas all over the world.  Over the last several years, Bridgeway partners have participated in service trips with LWI to Honduras, Guatemala, and most recently this May, El Salvador.  Six Bridgeway partners (plus… Read more »

Halloween craziness and servant leadership

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Halloween, Life/Work Balance, Robin Newton, servant leadership, TDIndustries.

By Ann McGee Cooper You might wonder, is there a link between growing a leaderful culture and going all out for Halloween?  And we would say that there are many opportunities within the fun of Halloween madness and growing a culture based on servant leadership.  Here are a few: 1.  When a company begins to plan fun… Read more »

Life/Work Balance: The Secret of Always Having Something Fun to Anticipate!

Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, Life/Work Balance, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

At the most recent Southwest Airlines Culture Committee Meeting, my good friend Scott Andrezjwski, who is an Aircraft Mechanic for Southwest Airlines, told me he had taken up a new hobby and was really enjoying it. Our team has been doing research for strategies to create and maintain extraordinary Life/Work Balance so my curiosity was… Read more »

Energy Memories and the State Fair of Texas

Posted by & filed under Duane Trammell, From the Treehouse, Life/Work Balance, servant leadership.

One of my favorite learning activities we do in our You Don’t Have to Go Home from Work Exhausted! workshop is to recall favorite moments in your life and use these as reference points to create new energy. Sometimes, Ann will lead participants in an imaging exercise recalling favorite ways we played as children; other… Read more »