Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, KidSpirit, Parkland Hospital, Renewal, servant leadership.

Servant Leadership comes in many sizes, shapes and forms and a recent party seem to fit all the criteria. BARA, one of the Partners constructing the new Parkland Hospital, threw a Friday afternoon ice cream party for all the Employees, sub contractors and everyone working so hard in 106 degree heat to move the job along. Gilligan’s Island was playing on the movie screen and every guest was given a colorful lei as Pleas Mitchell, Clay Calhoun, David Graham and Walt Massey (all leaders within BARA) scooped out generous dishes of ice cream in six flavors with all the toppings.

As a way to keep morale high and say thanks for great teamwork, the construction trailer was filled with good humor and laughter as people enjoyed some air conditioning and a welcomed break from the baking sun.

Finding many authentic ways to keep building a sense of teamwork, trust and appreciation is a big part of servant leadership.


Superintendent wearing hula skirt



Parkland Hospital Ice Cream Party

Parkland Partner Eating Ice Cream


Parkland Team Ice Cream Party

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