Posted by & filed under AMCA, Ann McGee-Cooper, From the Treehouse.


The TMCA Team is looking forward to the Celebration of Ann’s life, Saturday, September 24th at 1PM at Cathedral of Hope. 5910 Cedar Springs, Dallas, TX.

Renewing relationships with Clients, Family and Friends from across the years.
All are welcome and we hope you can join us.


2 Responses to “Celebration of Ann’s Life”

  1. David Moore

    I have been asked by my 4 month old granddaughter to visit with her in Davis, California for a week while her daddy is away on a business trip. Unfortunately I will miss the celebration as a result.
    Ann had a very positive influence on me in so many ways. Her teachings gave me a different perspective on both work and my personal life. I think I became a better person to my co-workers and family due to her influence. I can’t think of higher praise than that.
    I will miss you, Ann.

    Dave Moore