Posted by & filed under Clients, From the Treehouse.

Keith McCoy, Vice President of Operations at Balfour Beatty, tells a compelling story of his personal journey of growth as a servant leader and how it began to transform the strength, consistent success and synergy of the top leadership of his company well over a decade ago.

Keith speaks as a project leader and tells about the “a-ha moments” as together they began to grow a common language built on mutual trust and respect for strength through difference.   He points to how servant leadership was the foundation that led to the overwhelming success of the $1.3 billion dollar, five-year Parkland Hospital Project and how he learned to take his new skills home to his family.

Sharing one of several innovations, Keith tells how changing their language from “sub-contractors” to “Trade Partners” reminded everyone that without them we can’t achieve true success. Authentic trust touches every relationship in our lives.

“Encouragement and skills to create sustaining life/work balance began to renew my spirit and became a pivotal point in my life as a father and leader. Teaching our kids servant leadership gives them a leg-up in life. This is a gift that truly keeps on giving.”

Enjoy this brief story from a highly successful, seasoned leader in a tough and challenging industry. We thank Keith for sharing.

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