
Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

We are very pleased and proud to announce that John Viard, Senior Manager of People – HR Business Partners, at Southwest Airlines, has joined our team in a new working alliance with the company. John is not a stranger to AMCA, and has served as Senior Sponsor inside our Servant Leadership Learning Community (SLLC) for the past decade. This partnership and alliance are prime examples of the many ways we collaborate and share resources with our terrific partners at Southwest.

A strong emphasis on Culture has always been the heartbeat of Southwest Airlines. At AMCA, we have had the honor of participating inside the Southwest Culture Committee since it began in the fall of 1990. Since then, the program has grown rapidly into the robust enterprise it is today, touting over 200 active members and several hundred alumni members. A key value at Southwest is “servant leadership” – a principal that makes AMCA a natural partner. We continue to learn so much in our role as a loyal and inspired Customer, as we work to keep the spirit of Southwest strong in the midst of momentous changes.

In addition to John’s important role as a Southwest Airlines Leader, his role at AMCA will be to learn the strategies we use to instill a spirit of servant leadership within the cultures of our Client network. Additionally, he will be a creative ambassador representing Southwest Airlines’ pace-setting brand. His new position will give us the opportunity to further explore ways to support the work inside Southwest.

Welcome aboard, John and thank you, Southwest Airlines for continuing to offer such great low fares, unmatched Customer Service and a consistently fun-LUVing spirit. This is why we LUV to fly Southwest!

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