Posted by & filed under From the Treehouse, servant leadership, Southwest Airlines.

Since I first began flying SWA in and out of Lovefield, I’ve noticed the Extraordinary enthusiasm and ‘can do‘spirit of skycaps at SWA.  One who immediately won my heart over and over is Issom Willis who proudly welcomes Customers at Lovefield baggage curbside check in.  But what he does is just the way Southwest teaches all their Employees to serve Customers. Warrior Spirit, Leading with a Servant’s Heart and Fun-Luving Attitude defines the spirit of SWA.
Many years ago I was traveling with a large brown cardboard box of books that had been rained on while waiting to be loaded into the belly of the plane. As it comes off the conveyor belt, my box had come apart at all the seams with books spilling out everywhere.
Issom sprang into action. Out of nowhere he appeared with a large roll of strapping tape and helped gather up all 48 books. Carefully he re-taped my box and helped tuck each book back into place saving me several hundred dollars in precious inventory.
When I offered him a tip, he refused, assuring me that he was only doing his job. “We hope you will come back every chance you get and fly Southwest. And I’ll be here eager to assist you!”
That was many years ago. I can’t tell you how frequently Issom goes the extra mile. I can tell you that he’s won a special place in my heart and Customer loyalty to SWA that won’t quit!

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