Posted by & filed under Ann McGee-Cooper, creativity, Culture Committee, From the Treehouse, Luv, Matt Kosec, Southwest Airlines.

by Ann McGee-Cooper

Carol Haddock, Matt Kosec and I attended a two-day Culture Committee Meeting with Southwest Airlines in Orlando to kick off this year’s exciting challenges. It was dynamite. We broke into teams and had some really fun competition. But our real focus is to address current business challenges, understand them as a dynamic system (using systems thinking) and find the most effective ways to communicate them to all other Employees and get their support. We learned SO MUCH in the process. First, these meetings are always FUN, FUN, FUN! The energy is so high.

Second, we were introduced to using texting on our I-phones and I-pads to participate in dialogue on issues, both fun and serious. When you get 150 people engaged in dialogue at a deep level, that’s pretty amazing. It was a great way to make it safe to be open and honest and also see other views. All the creative fun that gets mixed in helps everyone connect and become passionate about what we face as a company and then take ownership of meaningful, creative change.

The officer panel is always a high point of the meeting. What a powerful example of servant leadership this is. Each officer briefs us on what is happening in their part of the business and how we can help. There is open Q&A. What is remarkable is the spirit of coaching from top leaders explaining the paradox of complex issues. For example, why we need both immediate creative responses and rules that may seem to limit. Remembering the big picture and spirit of leading with a servant’s heart trumps any rule. There is a reason for rules. And there will always be exceptions to rules. We have to learn to think “both/and”.

A final big inspiration was when each top officer shared his or her pledge. Each was a very specific commitment to which they asked to be held accountable.

The Culture Ambassador Team did a seamless job of making everything work. They were the yeast in the bread. It is clear why and how SWA & AirTran stay at the top of their industry. They grow their people to think and act like owners. They are and they do!

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