Spiritual Quotient

Spiritual Quotient

The “Inner Journey” of working on ourselves has become essential in living happier and more fulfilling lives.

Spiritual intelligence (quotient) is the ability to understand that human beings have a need for meaning, value, and contributing to creating a better world.

The “Inner Journey” of working on ourselves has become essential in living happier and more fulfilling lives.

What are some of the key skills around increasing our spiritual intelligence?

  • Self-awareness: knowing what we believe in, what motivates us, and what affect our actions have on others.
  • Knowing our strengths and shadows.
  • Living from deep beliefs and acting with them in mind.
  • Mindfulness: living in the moment, being present with others, and grateful for what we have.
  • Generosity of spirit: wanting to help others in addition to achieving our own goals.
  • Having compassion and empathy.
  • Humility: appreciating that we don’t have all the answers or know everything.
  • Ability to rebound from problems and see opportunities where others may wither when facing adversity. Learning from mistakes, setbacks, or painful situations.
  • Addressing sacred wounds or events that impact our lives and healing these wounds.
  • Integrating our faith tradition into our daily work; discovering and naming our calling—what we were put here on earth to do.
  • Valuing diversity: knowing there is strength through difference.

TMCA provides personal coaching and seminar learning experiences to explore these key skills of growth and development.

Trammell McGee-Cooper and Associates

Developing Talent and Teams to Achieve Bold Dreams through the Art of Leadership.

© 2017 TMCA, Inc.
