Pictures from EAP


Aledra Braddell Hollenbach


Ann McGee-Cooper


Beth Sauder Cook


Aylette Cox


Candace Barrett Birk


Carl Henry


Carol Trigg


Charley Helfert


Dale Bulla


Deborah Riddles Leveranz


Deni Kington


Devvy Swanson Carter


Don Sanders


 Ellie Caston


Eric Orr


Fran Bearden


Francine Brown


Georgia Ulrich (Ann’s Mom)


Gina Humphreys Booth


The Hunting Family


Jenny Inge


Jenny Weir Garrett


John Paul Thompson


John Quinlan


Karen Crocombe Guerin


Karen Van Fossan Post


Ken Walters


Kip Lougue


Larry Cooper


Larry Driver


Marsha Schramm


Margie Flora Allen


Mary Chaney Hayes


Mike McCann


Molly Graham Zoth


Mr. Kitchens


Nancy Bell Haayen


Polly Walton


Rayo McCullough


Rhonda Harrell Reynolds


Richard Malar


Rozelle Kesner Gilman


Sherry Bailey Owens


Sue Goodman


Susan Windels


Wally Linebarger




Booker T. Washington


Booker T. Washington Puppets


Booker T. Washington Puppets Ocean


Body Paint


Boston Children’s Museum


Box Costumes


Bulletin Boards September 1975


Child Development in Art


Children’s Art


Children’s Hospital Dallas


Columbia New Town


Contour Drawing


Corpus Christi ISD


Creative Dramatics


Creative Environments


Creative Gourmetry


Creative Writing


Dance, Creative Movement


EAP Groupings


EAP Junior High


EAP Reunion 1.24.1999


EAP Reunion 9.3.2012


EAP Slide Show


EAP Senior High


EAP Students


Early Childhood


Fall 1970 Junior High


Feet Painting


Film Animation


Fire and Smoke


Flower Mound New Town


Blow Plaster


Learning Environments






Museum Programs


Music Class




National Internships – Evergreen


National Internships – NYC Museums


National Internships – Rochester, NY




Portraits of Stravinsky


Puppetry Magic




Puppets (Sack and Hose)


Racine, Wisconsin


Rhoades Terrace


Richland College Balloon Day


Rube Goldberg


Sack Masks




Styrofoam Floatables


Goya Summer 1974


Survival 1974


Survival Evaluation Session


Teaming Projects


Troubleshooting Edison


Watermelon Patch


What I Like To Do


Where Have You Been Mural


Woodrow Wilson Batik Competition


Trammell McGee-Cooper and Associates

Developing Talent and Teams to Achieve Bold Dreams through the Art of Leadership.

© 2017 TMCA, Inc.
