Our History
Trammell McGee-Cooper and Associates, Inc.
Our Work History

The foundation of Trammell McGee-Cooper and Associates was laid in 1980 when Dr. Ann McGee-Cooper who had been working as a lone consultant, began operating under the name of McGee-Cooper Enterprises. Her clients included businesses, governmental agencies, non-profits, and many educational institutions ranging from public schools to universities. It was in one of these programs with the Dallas Independent School District (DISD) where she first met Duane Trammell. They became friends and began working together on other educational projects. While co-facilitating a summer program at the University of Texas at Dallas, they decided to make the partnership official.
In 1984, Duane was honored as DISD Teacher of the Year, began transitioning from the school system, and creating plans for expanding the company. On July 26, 1986, Ann McGee-Cooper and Associates, Incorporated was chartered with Ann and Duane as founding partners.
Through the years the company grew to include several other Partners. In December 2015, Ann McGee-Cooper and Associates officially became Trammell McGee-Cooper and Associates in recognition of Duane’s 31 years of service to both our organization and our Clients. In the past 33 years, we have served a myriad of major companies working with every level of leaders from laborers to executives. Companies we have worked with include: TDIndustries, Bridgeway Capital Management, Penn Medicine, Luminant (formerly TXU and Texas Utilities), Fluor Daniel, AT&T, Brown and Root, Halliburton, Bechtel, Stone and Webster, American Ref-Fuel, EDS, Centex, Parkland Health and Hospitals System, Baylor Medical Center, Southwest Airlines, General Electric, The United States Naval Weapons Center, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Lucent Technologies, the FDIC, Fannie Mae, the Prudential, and many others.
In 2010 Ann McGee-Cooper was diagnosed with breast cancer. After four years of successful treatment, the cancer metastasized to her brain in late 2014. She passed away peacefully August 2016 leaving a life of service, enthusiastic about the vision of TMCA:
Developing talent and teams to achieve bold dreams and inspiring us to live into her legacy— to live, to love, and to serve.
Our Publication History

Writing has always been a part of TMCA’s history. Articles and books have allowed us to share our stories and what we have learned to a wider audience than we could have solely through seminars and speeches. Ann’s first book Building BrainPower published in 1983 was followed by the original self-published versions of You Don’t Have to Go Home from Work Exhausted! and Time Management for Unmanageable People. Doubleday/Bantam Books purchased the publication rights and republished in the early 1990’s. These titles have sold almost 200,000 copies, making them business best sellers and have been translated into four languages. Being the Change: Profiles from Our Servant Leadership Learning Community detailing our work in establishing a network of organizations benchmarking successful servant leadership cultures was published in 2007. Our most recent book, The Art of Coaching for Servant Leadership was published in 2015 in collaboration with Dr. Deborah Welch, our Virtual Learning Specialist and Executive Coach. Duane and Dr. Virginia Gilmore are currently working on a book illustrating the inner journey of discovery during times of transition which will be published in 2018.
In addition to books, articles have appeared in national magazines and newspapers, trade and professional journals, industry and educational publications, and websites.