Don Frick came into the life of TMCA through Ann McGee-Cooper when they met in Indianapolis while Ann was a professor at Purdue. From those early projects, Don became a close friend producing over 50 audio tapes of Ann’s speeches that inspired audiences from all over the world. At the same time, Don became a fellow admirer of servant leadership, intrigued by the work of Robert Greenleaf.

On the day when he first read the Greenleaf’s essay The Servant As Leader in 1968, Don Frick decided to dedicate the rest of his career to understanding and teaching Greenleaf’s ideas about servant leadership. Since then, he has written books and essays about servant leadership—including Greenleaf’s biography—made presentations, conducted workshops, taught graduate seminars, and consulted with corporations on the principles of servant leadership.
His formal education includes a BS in Education, Master of Divinity, and PhD in Leadership and Organizational Studies. Don is based in Indianapolis and can be contacted at don@donfrick.com
He is currently working on another book that offers details about how various organizations have implemented servant leadership.