Deborah Welch, Ph.D. has been a friend and colleague of TMCA for almost two decades. She is widely considered an innovator in virtual and distance learning processes and leads our VSLLC® (Virtual Servant Leadership Learning Community).

In 2016 Deborah founded the Phoenix Servant Leadership Learning Community modeled after the Dallas SLLC®. Deborah is a noted author and partnered with TMCA to co-author The Art of Coaching for Servant Leadership. Her own book, Forgiveness at Work, shares stories of the power, possibilities, and practices of forgiveness in the workplace.
Her Work
Deborah Welch is the founder of Reflective Leadership Global. Her consulting work focuses on team and board development and coaching. She works with leaders in colleges, school districts, foundations, corporations, and small businesses. She has also been a faculty member at Capella University for 11 years mentoring dissertation research and teaching doctorate level courses such as Performance Enhancement, Group Facilitation, and the Psychology of Leadership. Deborah has 27 years combined experience in the field of psychology and leadership and she is an innovator in virtual learning processes such as online learning and the use of tele-circles for support and learning across distances.