The Art of Coaching for Servant Leadership
A Guide for Coaches, Managers, and Anyone Who Wants to Bring Out the Best in Others

Awakening Your Sleeping Genius
A Journaling Approach to Servant LeadershipA Journal of Giftedness is an 8 1/2 X 11 spiral-bound workbook of 20 exercises to discover your personal giftedness. Interspersed throughout the exercises are quotes and insights by Robert Greenleaf. There are also blank pages for documenting your insights on personal gifts.
Journal: $20

Being the Change
Profiles from Our Servant Leadership Learning CommunityEnough about philosophy…how do you DO servant leadership?
It was a simple idea. Get a diverse group of local organizations practicing servant leadership together and learn from each another’s journeys. In 2001, Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, Inc. invited 9 Dallas organizations to form a learning community and share the successes and challenges of creating servant-led organizations.
Learn how two businesses, a hospital, a restaurant, a police department, and an airline developed cultures of servant leadership in their organizations. The last chapter explains how to start your own servant leadership learning community and share best practices in your region.

You Don't Have To Go Home From Work Exhausted
Are you tired of being tired? Here’s your personal power pack!

Time Management For Unmanageable People
The Guilt-Free Way to Organize, Energize, and Maximize Your LifeForget all the old rules of time management that have failed you in the past. This classic time management resource is practical, uses a professionally proven approach, is based on research of brain function and stress reduction, and helps you create your own time management system that works for you. What’s more, you will have more time than ever before for what’s really important in your life.

Look at all the great content you can get from TMCA.
6 books, several skills, great ways to edify and grow yourself.