About The Book
Just as each snowflake has a unique pattern, each person has the potential for unique genius. Some people live their gifts, filled with curiosity, the spirit of adventure, and an eagerness to learn and grow. Others, for whatever reasons, may never realize that it’s their difference which makes them special. Learning to bring individual differences into a creative relationship with others is what makes genius a gift to self AND to the culture at large.
A Journal of Giftedness is an 8 1/2 X 11 spiral-bound workbook of 20 exercises to discover your personal giftedness. Interspersed throughout the exercises are quotes and insights by Robert Greenleaf. There are also blank pages for documenting your insights on personal gifts.
Awaken Your Sleeping Genius: A Journaling Approach To Servant Leadership can be purchased from TMCA for $20.00 by contacting Carol Haddock at 214-357-8550 or carol@amca.com