In 1977 Ann challenged us with the idea that we use only 1/10 of 1/10 of 1% of the total potential of the brain. And if we learn practices of increasing our awareness, we can easily double our thinking potential.
Several years ago, TMCA wanted to recognize special relationships we had with colleagues who were thought Partners. They are specialists in their industries, but sometimes work with us, with a Client, or write with us. You can find them in a section on our website in “About Us” called “Consulting Partners.”
Ginny Gilmore is one of our “Consulting Partners.” She reminds me of Ann in so many ways. One way is that she is an avid reader and sends me books to consider as resources in our work and these books are exactly what we need at any given moment. How does she know? Ginny has highly developed intuition and, like Ann, goes to conferences and loves cutting-edge learning.

Recently Ginny and three of her friends attended the Science and Spirituality Conference. Five of the top world pioneers, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart and Lee Carroll, the brightest minds, leaders, authors, and teachers in this field, presented the latest groundbreaking information to increase awareness and expand consciousness. It may sound bizarre, but this field of study is more than sci-fi. My prediction is that we will look back and smile when what we were talking about in 2018 is a part of our daily life in 2028.
Ginny wrote pages of notes to me and here is one excerpt about the work of Gregg Braden:
“Gregg took us into exercises to help us enter the condition in which we can access the deepest intuition…heart-brain coherence. To be in our hearts…we focus on our heart center…slow our breathing…and feel the emotion of gratitude, appreciation, caring, compassion…any of those emotions will open the heart. In this “coherence,” we can access our best selves, affirmations are much more impactful, and visualization can be very powerful. He spent time developing our understanding of mirror neuron experience. These neurons “fire” both when you have an experience and when you watch someone else having an experience. He continued this in the evening when we went back for a concert…music to open the heart.
He showed us a video of a 14-year-old gifted musician who was able to be in heart-brain coherence and then experience mirror neuron learning by watching another musician… in 2 weeks she learned one of the hardest songs ever to play on a classical guitar. We can learn very quickly knowing how to be in HB coherence and access mirror neuron capacities. We have extraordinary potential in this condition.”
Ginny continues Ann’s legacy and inspires us by sharing more learning about setting intentions and increasing our consciousness.