Deep Conversations on Community
First, huge thanks to Steve Luce and TD Industries for a bountiful breakfast and welcoming us to their Texas Room for our second SLLC session.
After a brief review of the March SLLC session and a check-in by all members, Matt introduced two scenes from the movie, Miracle, as an example of moving from a stuck community to a restorative community. The first scene showed Coach Brooks at his interview for the coaching position describing how he planned on trying a new system of developing a team and how he was met with skepticism and negativity from the committee members. The second scene illustrated how Coach Brooks held out his goals of the team becoming “a team of uncommon men” while he pushed them to their physical limits. His assistant coach felt he had gone too far when, finally one of the players gasped out his name and that he played for “Team USA.”
That then led to a discussion of the five conversations described in Ch. 12 of Peter Block’s book, Community: The Structure of Belonging. First at the tables and then sharing with the whole group, we spoke about how we responded the conversations and how we can use the conversations of “possibility, ownership, dissent, commitment and gifts” to help our home communities continue to grow.
We’ll next meet on September 30th at Southwest Airlines. Colleen Barrett will join us and share insights from her book, Leading with Luv. Due to tight security, it will be very important for you to RSVP early so your name is cleared through security and on the visitor list.